Saturday, May 24, 2014

In our blog / s and new website, coming soon ...
As millions more Filipinos and other Southeast Asians are set to achieve middle class status in the next few years, the many millions of others in extreme poverty need not be totally left out.
The new millions can now afford more than their basic needs. They will also consume the meat 2-3 times - partly driving food prices, including the staple food rice, up. And up. To record prices.
But severe graft and corruption, exacerbated by other aggravating factors, or simply eclipse negate the positive impact of our record gains in good governance (in the Philippines) and the very strong economic performance we have now under the Aquino presidency - and least to the lives of millions of poor families.
An article we are writing is to give more light on these and other relevant issues. With focus on the aggravating factors ...


Our Facebook accounts and this blog site may have been hacked and vandalized. Some of our entries were tampered with? We are to check.